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Goddess of Light,Life,Motherhood

and Hope

The Gods

A long long time ago.....before Telaria even excited there was nothing but emptyiness in this part of the galaxy, no planets, no sun,not even a moon....only a few stars. But one day two gods that was floating around in space found each other in this endless darkness,as soon as they layed eyes upon each other they fell deeply in love, thinking that founding eachother in this place was no mere accident but destiny. They spend lightyears togheter,floating around the stars, having the time of the'ire immortal lifes but of caurse it didnt take long before they both wanted something to take care of and love.....but they very soon realised that they couldnt have babies togheter, since that would create a bein so powerful the universe simply couldnt handle that, in Alteas great greif of this, Valtor got the brilliant idea of creating a world togheter instead since that is indeed something that needs alot of care and love. Altea thought this was an execllent idea and they right away started to create this world of the'ire, combaining the'ire powers togheter and it didnt take long before it started to take shape with oceans and vast lands full of trees and all kinds of plants and biomes.



God of Darkness,Death,Manhood

and Power

When the world was finished,Altea cried a bit, in happiness and wrapped her arms around it gentely,which put a huge smile on Valtor aswell. As they both gazed and admired it, when Altea suddenly got a suggestion for a name for it and Valtor thought that was an excellent name indeed....which was Telaria.....Tho only moments after they both realised how tired they were and they desicded to waste no further time and visit this world of the'ires to take a closer look at it and most of all rest.


They spent quite some time togheter, all alone on Telaria, relaxing and enjoying the'ire work so far, but they were far from done with the hard part were gonna create life that would roam around and inhabitat this world,which was Alteas job alone since Valtor knew nothing about moldeing and creating life, hence bein the god of death, among others. Altea started with humans and animals, but soon she wanted to try something new and changed the ears of the humans,makeing them pointy and longer,and in so makeing the first up she wanted to change the apparence completly,changeing the skin color to green and makeing the shape more bulky and big,takeing insperation from the mighty boar and gave it tusks, makeing the first orc....and so on....


After she made a couple of varities of races, she put them all onto Telaria in pairs of two, male and female and told them to enjoy this world but to never harm it, they all agreed on this and togheter lived and enjoyed themself in various ways while Altea and Valtor keept a close eye on them. They grew and grew in numbers quickly and soon they started to realise how diffrent they all were from each other, some accepted and even admired this and some didnt and split from the others to live somewhere else. This saddend Altea alot but she sadly couldnt do anything about it....and Valtor convised her it was better that way....


Time passed away and subspecies of the main races started to join this world among the races that were living in harmony with each other, Altea got thrilled to see this but Valtor was worried that this mixing of the genes could result in something horrible in the end, but he keept quite as it made his wife so happy and inspeired to create even more main races,adding the......into the world aswell and as more time passed they noticed that the'ire first creations grew old and soon died of age...Altea didnt understand at first why this happend but Valtor explained it and told her that they needed to make a resting place for them since they couldnt grant them immortailty, since they didnt have the power to do that, only make the'ire lifespand longer, which Altea did indeed and then with the help of Valtor they created Alaria a resting place where the'ire souls could forever linger in, in the company of godess Altea and God Valtor.


But it didnt take long before some races started to fight and destroy the land,aswell as killing each other, which upsetted Altea deeply and that angered Valtor alot, he convised Altea that those who died in that foolish war didnt deserve to be in the presence of her and the other peaceful souls
in Alaria, so he created another place called Vartion where he tortured and punished the'ire souls for upseting his wife for all eternity. Altea didnt like this to much but she knew Valtor only wanted to keep her happy and he assured her that this way, the other races would think twice before doin
something so stupid agian.


And when the other inhabitans heard of Alaria and Vartion, they did indeed long and fear of these places and peace was once agian restored in Telaria.....for a while.....but it didnt take long before war and fights between the races broke out agian, Valtor keept warning them of the consenqunses of these foolish actions but it keept goin, it even went so far that some peacefull races were enslaved and forced to fight for the aggresive ones, which Altea noticed and told them that she would forgive them for it and let them into Alaria if they fell in battle but to tell them apart from the aggresive ones, she created a symbol that represtened her and Valtor out of a simple rock and told them to wear this on them all the time so
that when they died, she would know which ones to send to Valtor in Vartion.


It did indeed work, the ones who were forced to die for something they didnt believe in, were welcomed into Alaria and the others were sent to Vartion with Valtor. Tho soon Telaria became too much for Altea and Valtor to handle alone and once agian Altea got into deep depression,since it reminded her of children which they couldnt have, Valtor was devastated to see his beloved wife so full of sorrow agian but then he got an idea, that she could mate with another man from Telaria, even tho he didnt really like this idea, he hated to see his wife so upset agian, Altea wasnt too keen on this idea either but neither of them could come up with any better solution to it, so they descided to do it. Valtor suggested that she desguised herself first to not attract any unwanted attetion and also to find a good mate in peace, she agreed and while she was carefully walking around looking, Valtor was keeping an close eye on her, makeing sure she stayed safe and all. She descided to go to the elf village, thinking it was fitting since elf was the first special race she created. After some time Altea found an elf man and sleept with him, pretending to be a brothel maiden, since she didnt wanted to get to know this man,she loved Valtor to much to do that and simply spent the night with him and left the next morning before he woke up and returned to her beloved Valtor, pregnant at last....


Many moons passed and Valtor was doin his best to take care of Telaria alone since Altea was weakned by her pregnancy and was bed bound most of the time,due to Valtor bein worried and overprotective of her since he had never seen her in sucha state before. Altea tried to convise him that she was strong enough to do her duites but Valtor forbided her from useing to much strenght and just relax, he asured her that everything
was fine in Telaria, but infact it was one of the darkest ages in the history of Telaria and when the baby was finally born, Altea was the happiest woman in the galaxy,finally having a big and healthy baby boy in her arms which became a demigod, due to only bein half god and she named him Eltar but her tears of happiness and joy became of worry and sorrow as Valtor was forced to tell her what really had happend in Telaria while she was in her blessed state, she was shocked and devastated by this but Valtor swore he was gonna fix it and she was only gonna focus on the baby for now and thats what she did while Valtor took more drastic measuers and almost wiped all of the aggresive races, leaving only a few of each so it became peace agian while the baby was growing up and they could focus on it,giving it all the love and care it needed while Telaria was very still and calm agian.


When Eltar grew up into his mature age of 20, he was granted immortailty and his godly ablilites by his demigod genes and he started to help out his father and mother as much as he could, which made it alot easier to handle Telaria but soon Altea was wishing for another child as she was missing bein pregnant, Valtor simply couldnt deny his wife wishes and thought it could be useful to have more kids to help out with Telaria as it keept grewing more and more, and soon Altea had given birth to 7 children, one from each main race except from humans since they could handle them themself while the'ire children were handleing the'ire representive race, protecting and keeping them safe, since Altea and Valtor noticed that having gods that had familar apparnce to the race were giving that race more hope and comfort.

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