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Hello there fellow RPR member! (or so i assume)


              I am Bugsy! The little helper/"elf" of FantasyDreamer~ to help and guide you on how

     to costumize and "beautify" your profile on RPR. (Though im sure this works on other places too!)

         With script and code, there is a number of diffrent ones to use but since RPR only accepts

                    BBcode, thats the one we are goin to use, and only that.^^

But before we start, i must warn you

that scripting and such can be a little tricky and well.....

      headache induceing to look at for long period of times. So i suggest that you are

paitent and take resonable breaks every now and then to not....well harm yourself in some way

 or manner. Is that clear? good!^^




Ok i know you are probally eager to start now but

lets go through a few quick things first before we begin;

such as the highlighted text i used and why i done so.


[img]"your picture url here"[/img]

Its very simple really, the pink parts are the scripts themselfs and the blue part is your input, in other words;

your text or url and such. Simple hu?


Secondly any pictures and gifs that you find here, are free for you to use.^^ i found them on various

websites and such, so they arent mine by any means,

so feel free to use them if you want.

(Well apart from my name logo thingy and such xD)

 Anndd aa...i think that was it yea,

if i think of anything else then i'll add that as soon as possible!

The last thing i want, is for you to be confused by my help guide xD


So if you do find anything (that is odd or makes no sense) then please tell me.


So with that out of the way, we can begin!

To begin, simply go back to the top or "header" of this page and click on whatever subject that you wanna learn.

I'll help and guide you the whole way, to the best of my abilities that is.^^'


Also disclaimer!

This is from my personal experince and mine only!

So if anything is incorrect or whatever,

then you know why xD

I do not claim myself as a professional or anything yet

I simply want to share my knowledge

and hope that it helps someone^^

Got questions?

Or is there something that is unclear/makes no sense here?

No worries, Just PM me on RPR and i'll try to make it more clear,

either by answering your questions or by fixing the error here.

No need to be shy^^ or well confused xD

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